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I finally got to hang out with my friend Katie last night, for the first time in a while. Katie is in several weddings this semester, and has a lot of friends at other colleges within driving distance, so she's almost never here on the weekends.

We saw a good free concert on campus - band by the name of Aether, played a lot of Hendrix covers, Radiohead, Pink Floyd, and original stuff that was essentially a mix of the three.

Afterwards, Katie had to drive out to Krispy Kreme to pick up 5 dozen donuts. She asked us if we'd like to come along. As if she had to ask.

I heart Krispy Kreme. They opened a few branches in Baltimore after I went off to college, so when I came back, everyone was all excited, telling me how much I needed to try their hot glazed donuts. And they were right.

So you can imagine my delight as Katie's car pulled into the parking lot after a half-hour drive, and the "Hot Doughnuts Now" sign was illuminated, in all its glory.

Katie orders her five dozen, plus two for herself. I order a single donut, which is promptly delivered to me, and Jenn orders two, because the girl loves donuts. As we're waiting our turn at the cash register, the lady behind the counter comes up to me and hands me another donut. "That's your free one," she says.

I look around the store, confused, for signs describing this strange deal. Buy one, get one free? Nowhere in sight.

"Yours is in the bag," she tells Jenn.

We're certainly not going to complain. I approach the cash register. The cashier looks at me.

"Um, I got this one, and she handed me this other one and said it was free," I try to explain.

The cashier gives me a dismissive wave.

Hesitantly, I extend three quarters to pay for the first donut.

"Forget about it," she says. "Enjoy your donuts."

Stunned, I stagger away from the register. Jenn receives the same treatment. Katie, who is dumping sweetener in her coffee, tells us that they wouldn't let her pay for her two donuts either, only the dozens.

I got two free hot Krispy Kreme donuts.

Yesterday was a good day.

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2001-10-13, 12:39 p.m.
free donuts

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2004-09-14, 6:44 p.m.

2004-09-13, 11:28 a.m.

2004-08-27, 2:26 p.m.

2004-08-18, 10:01 a.m.

2004-07-20, 2:11 p.m.
everything I do
