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Jenn started playing Kingdom Hearts last night, and of her own volition no less.

Some of the Square conventions annoyed her a bit. "Why do I have to be a boy?" was a valid complaint, as was "Don't you get tired of fighting these same guys all the time?" And of course, when the title of the game appeared after the opening cinemas and tutorial: "You mean that was just the pre-game? That took me 35 minutes!"

This is all hilarious if you've played Square games before, in that "it's funny because it's true" kind of way.

Being the eagle-eyed scholar, she picked up on the strong homoerotic subtext before a single line of dialog had been spoken. (LOL SQUARE IS TEH GAY!!1!) When the two male protagonists first challenged each other to a race, she chimed in with, "Ooh! Sex as battle!" I'm seeing the story in a whole new light now.

For all the sarcastic comments, though, we were up until 2 playing it, so I guess she liked it well enough.

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2003-12-04, 10:20 a.m.
stupid like dogs

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