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Tears aside, this weekend's trip was a pretty good one.

However, I had forgotten over the last few months of quasi-solitary living that my social skills around new people, and especially close-knit groups of new people, are a little below average.

The longest conversation I had the whole weekend with someone other than Jenn was with a Wanky Surfer Dude from California. (He was a perfectly nice Wanky Surfer Dude, but everything Jenn had told me about him was true, and even the 5-minute chat I had with him was downright exhausting.)

Wanky Surfer Dude, incidentally, bears a slight resemblance to my old guitar teacher from high school, who in turn bore a slight resemblance to Steven Seagal. Wanky Surfer Dude doesn't really look that much like Seagal, though. I will call this the "Intransitive Property of Looking Like Steven Seagal."

Anyway, the people I had met before were perfectly nice and all, but I guess I had expected to make a similarly good impression on everyone else I met. In the end, I'm not sure I made an impression on them at all.

Of course, that wasn't the point. The point was to see Jenn. And see Jenn I did. So on balance, I'd call it a successful trip.

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2002-10-07, 4:27 p.m.
the intransitive property of looking like Steven Seagal

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