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I had thought that I was done with snow for the year, but sure enough, the entire Roanoke-Pittsburgh corridor today was full of the white demon powder, although fortunately not on the road this time.

On Thursday I went to see a show at Club Cafe, an excellent but tiny venue in the South Side. At this particular show it seemed downright cavernous, though, as there were only about twelve people there to see it, much to the dismay of the bands' publicist, an Asian woman who had the misfortune of being pretty cute, and therefore being hit on by the nerdy white male portion of the audience (read: the entire audience. Minus me. Not because I'm not a nerdy white male, but because I figured the best way for me to dissociate myself from the other nerdy white males was by not hitting on this woman.)

You see, her fatal mistake was asking, "Is there really that little of a demand for this kind of music around here?" At which point she was swarmed by bearded, bespectacled, unattractive middle-aged men eager to demonstrate that they were the demand for this kind of music around here.

The first band was a fusion trio who seemed a little too avant-garde for my tastes at first. I warmed up to them after a few songs, though, and ended up buying a CD during intermission. Vibraphone players have always fascinated me, although this one had a tendency to gyrate around in a dorky way.

At one point during their set, I leaned over to my pal and said, "This sounds like boss music from a video game." I have a suspicion that there's a specific musical reason for this, some kind of mode or interval or something. Let me know if you have any insight.

After the intermission, they added a guitarist and a female vocalist and played jazz-rock arrangements of baroque music from the 17th century, which was surprisingly more accessible than the stuff from the first set. They even got a kind of Stevie Ray Vaughn vibe going on their closer. We left before having to witness the inevitable swarm of dorky middle-aged guys hitting on the vocalist.

Jenn got her license on Saturday, after almost two months of craziness. The upshot of this is that, thank the Lord, I never have to go to the Roanoke DMV again.

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2003-03-30, 7:02 p.m.
Maximum Pets

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2004-09-14, 6:44 p.m.

2004-09-13, 11:28 a.m.

2004-08-27, 2:26 p.m.

2004-08-18, 10:01 a.m.

2004-07-20, 2:11 p.m.
everything I do
