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I'm really tired, having been in a car basically all day, so here's a quick recap of my trip.

We left for Philly early Sunday evening. Unlike Jenn's mom had predicted, five hours of small talk with Prof. J was actually not difficult at all; we talked about work for a while, and it turns out we have a couple of mutual peripheral interests. She's also way into books on tape, several of which she had taken out from the library for when the conversation ran out.

We arrived at around 11 and went straight to our respective hotel rooms. I watched the rest of the Oscars, called Jenn, and turned in for the night.

The next morning we met this guy in the lobby. He was, as I had expected, really cool - tall, skinny, early 30s, very smart and enthusiastic. Four hours of meeting with him brought us to lunch, which was at a great Thai restaurant with one of his students. After lunch, we continued our meeting until 5.

Our work was done at that point, so we met his fiancee (tall, skinny, early 30s, very smart and enthusiastic - natch) for dinner. Dinner was at a fantastic Japanese restaurant with a fun retro-space age theme, complete with colored lights, molded plastic chairs, and a glowing bar. On the menu was "Lobzilla", a three-pound lobster, but we opted for some more reasonably sized seafood dishes.

After dinner we said goodbye and called it a night. This was at about 8, leaving me with several hours to kill in my hotel room. Had I had someone around to explore the city with, I would have loved to have done so, but as it was I was left to the mercies of Monday night television. (The only book I thought to bring was, foolishly, work-related, and I definitely wasn't up for that.)

This morning we left early and made the trip home. Jenn and I met Link for dinner.

I didn't get a cheese steak, but I'd consider it a positive experience nonetheless.

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2003-03-25, 9:39 p.m.

latest entries

2004-09-14, 6:44 p.m.

2004-09-13, 11:28 a.m.

2004-08-27, 2:26 p.m.

2004-08-18, 10:01 a.m.

2004-07-20, 2:11 p.m.
everything I do
