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I've been lax in updating lately, but that's probably about to end, as I'll no longer have the excuse that I'm extremely busy.

Tomorrow I take the last final of my (contiguous) school career. Right now I'm waiting for the lecture slides to print, as I just found out it's closed book.

Not having to worry about stuff like that anymore is gonna be kind of weird.

Anyway, things have been happening apart from finals. I've pretty much decided to go with Prof. J's job for me, inasmuch as it is exactly the same project I would have been working on for Astronaut Central, at the same salary, and I know she's a good boss. It is a temporary job, and it's not clear exactly how temporary yet, but hopefully it'll hold me over until jobs are a bit more plentiful.

I picked Jenn up from Virginia this weekend, thanks to a helping hand from a couple of friendly West Virginian locals. I could hear them trying not to audibly scoff at my wimpy little Dodge Neon stuck in the snow at the side of the road, and I felt like a total milquetoast when they commented on how there was nowhere to hook a chain to the front, because it was all made of plastic. At least I wasn't driving an import.

And I finally broke down and got a cell phone, mostly for the free long distance on nights and weekends. My ringtone is the opening riff from "Limelight", because I am a total dork. I'm also planning on signing up for DSL soon. Now that I'm going to have some disposable income, I figure it's time to upgrade my lifestyle from "spartan" to "thrifty".

Despite what you might think, never having to study for anything ever again doesn't make studying any more fun.

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2002-12-15, 1:41 p.m.
the final final

latest entries

2004-09-14, 6:44 p.m.

2004-09-13, 11:28 a.m.

2004-08-27, 2:26 p.m.

2004-08-18, 10:01 a.m.

2004-07-20, 2:11 p.m.
everything I do
