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Today I went to orientation for my super-sweet summer TA job. (The orientation was for the students, not for me.)

The students I'm TAing are international exchange students from South Korea, all of whom (hopefully) speak English.

I'd always bought into the stereotype that Americans are the most gluttonous creatures on Earth. And yet, here were real-life Korean students grabbing four or five slices of free pizza and nabbing six-packs of Pepsi. It's good to see that habitual overconsumption is a global epidemic, not just a national one.

On the other hand, once we finished gorging ourselves on free food and sat down in the auditorium, I counted a grand total of two students who were not skinny as hell.

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2002-06-20, 1:37 p.m.
six-packs of Pepsi

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2004-09-14, 6:44 p.m.

2004-09-13, 11:28 a.m.

2004-08-27, 2:26 p.m.

2004-08-18, 10:01 a.m.

2004-07-20, 2:11 p.m.
everything I do
