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I overslept this morning. You see, I had remembered to set my alarm to the correct time last night, but I neglected to actually flip the switch to "on". So I slept through my first class and my office hours.

This isn't something I do very often, and it's all the more embarassing because I ended up sleeping for almost twelve hours.

I've been sort of off for the rest of the day, not having had a shower or a chance to put my contacts in. Also, Prof. Albino Kenny Rogers was out of town, so one of his students was subbing, and he just wasn't very good at giving a lecture.

Also there's this girl in two of my classes who is shaping up to be the one person I complain about this semester. She's one of those kids that sit at the front of the class and ask questions to show how smart they are. And she's got a really annoying fast nasally voice.

The two classes I have with her are back-to-back, which means there's a ten-minute gap between them, and they're pretty close to each other, maybe a minute and a half walking, easily 30 seconds running.

The first class ended about five minutes early on Tuesday. Everyone got up out of their seats and started to leave, at which point the TA started to say something. We all stopped to listen to her. Well, almost all of us - Annoying Girl continues to try to leave. Unfortunately, I realize I am standing in her way when I hear, "ExCUSE me. I have to GO. I have CLASS."

Okay. For one thing, you have class which starts in fifteen minutes, and it's not going to take you fifteen minutes to get there. For another, I have the same class, which you would know if you weren't so freaking self-absorbed. Sitting in the front may give the professor a good view of you, but it clearly doesn't give you a very good view of the rest of the world.

I got out of her way with an indignant "Sorry." And just to prove my point, to myself if not to her, I took my good sweet time getting to the next class. I went back to my office and checked e-mail and D-land. I got a drink of water - two, maybe - on the way. And I still got there five minutes early, and sure enough, there she is, sitting in an almost-empty room with no professor yet.

Today the first class did not end five minutes early. Clearly this bothered her, because at the crack of 2:50, she pipes up, "Excuse me - I have class, so I was wondering if you were going to keep going, because I'd love to stay, but I have another class to get to."

If anybody has any sympathy left for this girl, please, let me know.

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2002-09-05, 4:58 p.m.

latest entries

2004-09-14, 6:44 p.m.

2004-09-13, 11:28 a.m.

2004-08-27, 2:26 p.m.

2004-08-18, 10:01 a.m.

2004-07-20, 2:11 p.m.
everything I do
