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What's a guy got to do to get a pair of overalls?

Jenn and I went to the Red, White, and Blue out by Kennywood today. I was in search of various pieces of clothing for my Halloween costume, she in search of, well, cheap clothing. (She did manage to find a very nice dress for like five bucks.)

Essential to my costume is a pair of overalls. Not being the overall-wearing type, I don't want to spend too much on overalls that I know I'll never wear again.

Unfortunately, after visiting two rather large thrift stores, I am still without this very simple article of clothing.

I found a cabbie hat - one that fits me, no less. I found red fabric paint to paint the hat, and a plain red long-sleeved shirt. I even figured out how I'm going to attach a circle of posterboard to the hat.

But I can't find the easiest part of my costume. I even checked K-Mart, having resigned myself to the possibility that I might have to pay full price. Nothing there. Why do none of these stores carry overalls?

I think I figured it out: nobody wears overalls anymore.

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2001-10-05, 3:45 p.m.
my kingdom for some overalls

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