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Jenn and I went to the art museum today, because there was an antiques show there she wanted to see, and because we couldn't get our asses out of bed any other time this weekend.

Our university has a deal with the art museum whereby we get in for free, which makes the idea of going to an art museum much more appealing to me. (Not that it isn't at least a little appealing anyway, but if it's free, then so much the better.)

There weren't any signs telling us where the antiques show was, but we figured that was because it was only here for a weekend, and they didn't have time to put signs up. We found it eventually, in the "hall of sculpture". But as we're walking in, this snide woman in a typical art museum guard outfit stops us. Do we have tickets? she wants to know. Well, yeah, we did. But not specifically for this exhibit. "Aha!" she exclaims. "You need special tickets for this. They're selling them down there."

I don't know what the "aha" was for, besides to be super-annoying.

These special tickets are $10 a pop. "But that includes museum admission," the guy at the ticket desk reasons with us, "so it's only $2 more."

"But we got in for free," we say.

"Then I guess it's $10, huh?" he replies.

Yeah. Obviously the reason they're charging for tickets, and charging in such a way as to maximally screw over students, is so that only stodgy old rich people can go to their little show.

Well, we're not about to pay $10 to go to a one-room antiques show. So we head off to a different area of the museum.

What we didn't realize was that, to get to the rest of the museum, we'd be walking through the upper floor of the "hall of sculpture". Said upper floor is open in the middle, so you can see the lower level from around the outside.

So we got to see the antiques show for free, just from further away. Take that, Andrew Carnegie!

Thing is, the whole time we were doing this, I really wanted somebody to come by and tell us we couldn't do it, just so I could be all, "We have tickets! We're allowed to be in this part of the museum! You can't control what we look at, you fascist bastards!" Just because I felt like I should be calling someone a fascist.

Even though I guess it was just capitalism.

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2002-04-21, 8:34 p.m.
fight the power

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