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We just had our first marathon grading session for the class I'm TAing. Four and a half hours to grade 31 exams.

I felt so cool during the exam, sitting up at the front of the room with my feet up on the table. Got a question? Just raise your hand and the TA will be right with you. Hells yeah.

But Jesus, four and a half hours... I don't know if it was something in the Chinese food, or Prof. K's dogs, or just how late it was, but we were getting a little punchy towards the end.

In fact, we got so bad that we started making lame HCI jokes. I mean really lame. They were so lame, the professors were embarrassed about being so geeky.

Like when Katie and I were sorting the graded papers into piles at the end, and we reached across each other for different piles, and our arms bumped together. "Whoa!" we exclaimed. "We've got a breakdown in our physical model!"

Prof. J just shook her head and smiled.

I am such a dork.

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2001-10-08, 11:45 p.m.
grading marathon

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2004-09-14, 6:44 p.m.

2004-09-13, 11:28 a.m.

2004-08-27, 2:26 p.m.

2004-08-18, 10:01 a.m.

2004-07-20, 2:11 p.m.
everything I do
