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I realized today why having a job sucks.

Not that I really have a job per se. But I realized why it would suck if I did have one.

In preparation for the big move next Monday, I have to take care of several things this week. In addition, I had to run out to Home Depot to get screws to fix my chair, and we're going shopping for fabric to rejuvenate my trusty old $10 couch.

The problem is that most businesses are only open during, well, business hours - that is to say, 9 to 5. And if I had a real full-time job, well, I'd be working 9 to 5, or more likely 8 to 5, or 9 to 6, or something. So when would I call Verizon to switch my phone service to my new address, only to find out that I can't keep the same number, so I might as well go through the hassle of switching the account over to my roommate's name, because they'd charge us both exorbitant fees otherwise?

Well, probably from work. But you catch my drift.

Fortunately, this wasn't a problem with Home Depot, nor with any other big-name chain store, which is part of why big-name chain stores will soon rule the world.

I've tried to wrap my head around the economics of it - wouldn't stores make more money if they were open when people weren't at work? But then of course the people who work at the stores would be at work... It all gets very confusing.

Anyway, while I'm complaining about things that I can't possibly change, let me state for the record that R.E.M. is not classic rock. Classic rock stations that play 80's Ozzy are on thin ice as it is. Don't play "The One I Love", just don't do it. It's a fine song, sure, but there are plenty of other stations whose job it is to play that song. You hear me, classic rock stations?

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2002-06-24, 10:18 p.m.
business hours

latest entries

2004-09-14, 6:44 p.m.

2004-09-13, 11:28 a.m.

2004-08-27, 2:26 p.m.

2004-08-18, 10:01 a.m.

2004-07-20, 2:11 p.m.
everything I do
